AI Voice Therapy

Introducing Deepen’s New Voice Feature 🎉

Keeping an eye on the steady advancement of technology, Deepen, your personal pocket therapist, is set to revolutionize the world of introspection and self-care even further with a groundbreaking new feature. On our mission to give users an affordable, in-hand alternative to traditional therapy, we’re consistently working towards offering enhanced user experience. We’re proud to announce an incoming feature to talk to and hear from Deepen using voice alone. It’s the start of AI Voice Therapy

Just imagine having a compassionate counselor at your beck and call, available to listen and assist any time – day or night. That’s exactly what Deepen’s new voice communication feature is all about. Now you’ll be able to chat and literally ‘talk’ about anything that’s on your mind

The Benefits of Deepen’s AI Voice Therapy

Not everyone finds typing out their thoughts and feelings comfortable – some prefer to speak out loud. Deepen’s Voice AI therapy is now even more accessible and personalized by accommodating individuals’ varied preferences and needs.

Imagine the convenience for a second. When taking a long walk or enjoying a calm evening at home, all you need to do is just talk to Deepen. No more typing out and overthinking lengthy paragraphs. All you need is your voice and Deepen will answer back to you.

In testing we’ve been loving the new feature and we hope that you do too. It makes such a difference to the experience! It’s instrumental in getting more out of the app and becoming better versions of ourselves.

Into the unknown

We are thrilled to bring users an intuitive and interactive AI therapy alternative, one that truly listens in more ways than one! Deepen’s voice interaction feature transforms your self-care journey into an intimate, effortless process that you can rely on at all times. With Deepen, self-discovery is always just a conversation away. Try it out today.






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