Human or AI Therapy

AI Therapy is Beating Traditional Human Therapy

In the realm of mental health, the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology provides exciting potential for innovation. Among the most transformative use of this cutting-edge technology is AI-chatbot therapy, a real-time interactive conversation with AI-powered chatbots. These chatbots are designed to mimic human conversation and understand the emotional state of the user, thereby delivering a therapy-like engagement. Despite people’s generalized idea of therapy being a face-to-face session with a human therapist, the advent of AI-chatbot therapy is shaking up mental health services, showing distinct advantages over the traditional one-on-one human therapy. Let’s shed some light on the benefits of AI-chatbot therapy and how it provides an revolutionary edge in the arena of mental health.

Greater accessibility

One of the foremost reasons why AI-chatbot therapy is gaining popularity over human therapy is its ease of accessibility. Unlike traditional therapy that requires an appointment, travelling to the therapist’s office, and waiting to be seen, AI-chatbot therapy can be reached from the comfort of your home. Users can access it on any device, anytime, anywhere. Imagine how much this is a game-changer for individuals living in remote areas, where access to qualified mental health professionals is extremely limited or impossible. It can also help people who have busy schedules, or those who are too physically ill or disabled to attend in-person sessions.

24/7 Availability of AI Therapy

AI-based chatbots are available round-the-clock, providing instant responses to users’ queries and concerns without any waiting time. In contrast, traditional therapists typically stick to regular working hours, making it difficult for those in distress to seek immediate help. The 24/7 availability of AI-chatbots offers users the freedom to initiate a session whenever they feel the need, allowing them to work on their mental health at their own pace.


AI-chatbot therapy is considerably more affordable than traditional therapy services. Regular therapy sessions can be costly and may not be a viable option for everyone, especially those without insurance coverage. AI-chatbots provide unlimited usage at significantly lower costs, paving the way for democratizing access to mental health counselling.

Anonymity & decreased stigma

AI-chatbot therapy allows users to remain anonymous. This often results in a decreased sense of inhibition, thus encouraging users to open up more about their thoughts, experiences, and emotions. This form of therapy could be a game-changer for those who avoid seeking help due to the stigma associated with mental health.

AI Therapy: the prognosis

Chatbots learn from every interaction, allowing them to improve their interactions over time, based on accumulated experience. This constant evolution provides users with more accurate and personalized responses over time, greatly adding to the user’s therapy experience. In the long run, there’s no chance humans can keep up.

It’s worth noting that AI therapy may not yet fully replace the atmosphere and complexity of human conversation in therapy, especially for those with severe mental health conditions. However, with the benefits it brings forth, AI-chatbot therapy is certainly paving the way for a new era in the field of mental health, filling gaps and addressing setbacks associated with traditional therapy. The future is here and now, opening up avenues for a comprehensive, convenient, and cost-effective approach to therapy. The rise of AI-chatbot therapy signifies a revolutionary stride in the mental health landscape, a stride towards inclusivity, convenience, and accessibility.

To see more information check out our review of some of the most recent scientific investigations here. We’re feeding this all into our product Deepen which is live in all app stores today. Please check it out!





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